Monday, September 21, 2009

Lunch this week

Anyone fancy a lunch this week? I can do any day except Thursday.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

The Final Eat off - update

The plan is coming for one final giant eat-off. You know you love it.

All we know for sure is the location; The Gurkha Oriental Palace (Joanna Lumley not included) at Poole Quay. All you can eat Indian, Chinese and Nepalese etc. Awesome. No more than £13.95 per person.

Date - not yet known but need to crack on with it. Who is in?


Gurka - Friday 4th Sept - 7:00pm
Yes or No. Leave comment.

Super Glennclusion was...

Do it later on. So its been put off until possibly next Friday. Any takers?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Andy Marsh is here today so it has to be Thai Smiles right?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Redundant Lunch

The lans lunch loafers blog is back but with a twist - it will now be a hub for Bournemouth creatives to get together over lunch. If you are a freelance, recently redundant or unemployed creative and feel like a nibble just check out this blog to see where the action is at!

Better still get yourself hooked on the RSS feed and never miss a feed!