Thursday, September 03, 2009

The Final Eat off - update

The plan is coming for one final giant eat-off. You know you love it.

All we know for sure is the location; The Gurkha Oriental Palace (Joanna Lumley not included) at Poole Quay. All you can eat Indian, Chinese and Nepalese etc. Awesome. No more than £13.95 per person.

Date - not yet known but need to crack on with it. Who is in?


Gurka - Friday 4th Sept - 7:00pm
Yes or No. Leave comment.

Super Glennclusion was...

Do it later on. So its been put off until possibly next Friday. Any takers?


Anonymous said...

I can't believe (it's not butter) this blog has come back from the dead!

I can do any day except Mondays and Tuesdays.

Steve Naive said...

Long live the lunch blog! Let's avoid Mons and Tues to make way for the Sys Ops come back.

The Uncle said...

I can't do Thursday evenings from the 10/09/09 as I'm being educated in the ways of parenting.

So if we have it in our last week it seems wed/thurs/fri is good for all of us.

Maybe we should do all 3!

Anonymous said...

I'm off from 1st until 16th September. Sorry folks. I would be very happy to come if you schedule it after 16th September. If not, I wish you all have a fantastic and glorious lunch for the sake of all times!

The Gorv said...

Well, I might be able to make it - as it's apparently a special occasion.

Unknown said...

I should be able to make friday - will post an update tomorrow. Lu :O)

p.s. does anyone know how are we getting there/back?

Steve Naive said...

Next Friday is fine by me.

Anonymous said...

Looks like i'll be fine. Are we talking Friday, 11th??? I can drive providing at least one person in my car knows where we are going. Karin

Anonymous said...

the ward is up for it thanks - friday good - are you sure about going to poole quay though on a friday night - bit dodgy...... we could always head to ashley cross for some late night drinks and dancing though.....

Unknown said...

next friday is groovy with me too... :O)

Unknown said...

Where there is eating all you can, there am I.

The Uncle said...

I can't really do Friday, unless it kicks off early then maybe I can swing along for a face stuffing before I must head to work!

The Uncle said...

I know I said I could, but then that changed... the life of a freelancer :-(